First dApp

The First Rooch dApp

This tutorial primarily introduces how to use the front-end template provided by Rooch to implement a simple counter dApp.

Teplate Repo (opens in a new tab)

Clone the source code of the template.

git clone

Initialize the project.

Install the dependencies required for the dApp:

cd my-first-rooch-dapp
bun install
## if you are using yarn
yarn install

Run dApp:

bun dev

Once everything is successfully completed, access the local preview link in the browser and you will see the following interface:

Congratulations! After completing the above steps, it indicates that your dApp is running successfully. To complete the full on-chain interaction, we still need to deploy the contract.

Confirm the Current Network in Rooch CLI

We use the Testnet to deploy the Counter dApp, and use rooch env switch to switch the network:

rooch env switch --alias test
The active environment was successfully switched to `test`

Publish the contract.

In the counter_contract directory, you can see the contract source code of the Counter dApp.

Navigate to the counter_contract directory and use the following command to deploy the contract.

Please note, before deployment, ensure that you have sufficient Gas Fee in your account. We can use the following command to check:

rooch account balance
## output
      Coin Type        |      Symbol      | Decimals |  Balance              
0x3::gas_coin::GasCoin |       RGC        |     8    | 1939625968 

Get Rooch Gas Coin

After confirming that there is enough Gas Fee, you can publish the contract using the following command.

## in counter_contract directory
rooch move publish --named-addresses quick_start_counter=default

After the deployment is completed, we can see the output in the command line:

BUILDING quick_start_counter
Publish modules to address: rooch1e7qm7jqangukl37qs49ckv7j4w47zyu5cr2gd9tmzal89q9sudqqzhy92t

As the output of the command line above, the Counter has been published to the address 0xcf81bf481d9a396fc7c0854b8b33d2ababe11394c0d486957b177e7280b0e340.

Modify the front-end configuration.

Find the src/App.tsx file in the front-end project and modify the constant counterAddress:

// Publish address of the counter contract
const counterAddress = "YOUR_COUNTER_ADDRESS";

Replace with the Counter contract address published in the previous step:

const counterAddress = "0xcf81bf481d9a396fc7c0854b8b33d2ababe11394c0d486957b177e7280b0e340"

Note: The contract address here will be related to the publisher's address, please confirm.

Contract Interaction

Connect the wallet, and we can click the Create button in the Session Key area to create a session key:

About Session Key

After the creation is complete, you can see the relevant information of the Session Key:

After replacing the contract address, you can also see the count of Counter Value in the dApp Integration area.

After completing the above steps, you can click the Increase Counter Value button in the dApp Integration area to call the contract and increase the counter value.


After completing the above steps, you have mastered the skills of creating a dApp, deploying contracts, and performing basic interactions between the front-end and the contract.